
Call center AI market is going to grow by almost 400% in the next 7 years


Data Bridge Market Research has analyzed such vital aspects of call center business industry, as average development rate, current market value, main market players and overall investment trends in the industry and made a conclusion that overall market value of call center AI operations will grow up to 7753 million in 2030, with its current value of 2294 million.

The research is international and includes market players from all over the world, setting its goal to learn the potential growth of the call center AI market. It’s a popular topic as the AI becomes more and more used to automate common processes, and business processes don’t make an exclusion.

What’s also interesting – overall growth of call center industry by CAGR is pretended to be 6,1%, and for AI integrations in call center the growth is estimated at 15,7%. This means that AI will become a vital part of call center business.