
The new vendor was titled an Exemplary Leader for Contact Centers


Global enterprise software provider NICE has been ranked first in the Ventana Research 2023 Buyers Guide for Contact Centers, receiving the highest ratings for the functionality, reliability, and ease of use of its latest product, CXone.

Barry Cooper, President of CX Division, NICE, said,

“Rapid digitalization in recent years has completely transformed the customer experience landscape.

NICE has responded to the changing dynamics with CXone, a single, open cloud-native platform underpinned by Enlighten AI, which enables organizations to provide excellent, next-generation customer experience.”

CXone eases the adoption of the hosted environment and reduces the total cost of ownership and return on investment (TCO/ROI). CXone provides hundreds of APIs on its open cloud platform, enabling organizations to simplify their technology stack using only an all-in-one platform.